Discover Unforgettable Ferry Adventures | A Guide to San Francisco Bay's Scenic Routes

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4 months ago

The San Francisco Bay, surrounded by iconic landmarks and stunning landscapes, offers a unique setting for ferry travel.

Exploring the Bay aboard these vessels not only provides a scenic journey but also unveils a plethora of adventures waiting to be discovered.

Let's travel into the diverse ferry routes, each with its own charm and appeal.

Sausalito to San Francisco Ferry Building: Golden Gate Ferry's Classic Commute

Commencement: 1970

This route has stood the test of time, offering a classic commute with Golden Gate Ferry. The journey from Sausalito to the San Francisco Ferry Building is not just a transportation link; it's a connection to history, with roots dating back to 1970.

Tiburon to San Francisco Ferry Building: A Tranquil Escape with Golden Gate Ferry

Commencement: 1962

Golden Gate Ferry invites you to escape to Tiburon, a serene town across the bay. Commencing in 1962, this route promises tranquility and breathtaking views, making it a timeless escape.

Angel Island Adventures: Golden Gate Ferry's Newest Route

Commencement: 2021

A journey to Angel Island, Golden Gate Ferry's newest route introduced in 2021. Experience the allure of this island, rich in history and natural beauty.

Larkspur to San Francisco Ferry Building: A Scenic Marin County Connection

Commencement: 1976

Connecting Marin County to the heart of San Francisco, this route initiated in 1976 offers a scenic escape. Golden Gate Ferry ensures a delightful voyage, surrounded by the beauty of the Bay.

Mare Island, Vallejo, and Beyond: San Francisco Bay Ferry's Expansive Network

Commencement: 1986

San Francisco Bay Ferry expands its reach, connecting Mare Island and Vallejo since 1986. Discover the diverse destinations served by this expansive network.

Richmond’s Gateway: A New Chapter in Bay Ferry Travel

Commencement: 2019

The burgeoning ferry scene with San Francisco Bay Ferry's Richmond route, initiated in 2019. Uncover the unique charm of this Bay Area gem.

Berkeley Bliss: Tideline's Exclusive Thursday Commute

Commencement: 2017

Tideline's Thursday-only commute from Berkeley to San Francisco offers an exclusive experience. Commute in style during these special hours, taking in the waterfront beauty.

Treasure Island Treasures: Prop SF’s 2022 Introduction

Commencement: 2022

Prop SF introduces the Treasure Island route in 2022, opening up new adventures. Explore this man-made island's treasures through a ferry journey unlike any other.

Alameda's Dual Delight: San Francisco Bay Ferry’s Dual Routes

Commencement: 1989 (Main Street/Jack London Square) / 2012 (South San Francisco)

Alameda offers a dual delight with San Francisco Bay Ferry, connecting Main Street/Jack London Square and South San Francisco. Commute seamlessly during the week and witness the Bay's dynamic beauty.

Alameda's Varied Routes: A Symphony of Ferry Travel

Commencement: 1992 (Harbor Bay) / 2021 (Seaplane Lagoon)

Alameda's diverse ferry routes, including Harbor Bay and Seaplane Lagoon, present a symphony of travel experiences. Choose your weekday adventure and savor the unique offerings.

San Francisco Pier 41: Weekend Wonders with San Francisco Bay Ferry

Commencement: 2021

San Francisco Bay Ferry extends its reach to Pier 41 on weekends. Revel in the weekend wonders of this special route, adding a touch of leisure to your Bay Area exploration.

Alcatraz Escapade: Hornblower Cruises' Historic Journey

Commencement: 1973

Hornblower Cruises invites you on an Alcatraz escapade, commencing in 1973. Immerse yourself in history as you approach the infamous island, a journey filled with intrigue.

A ferry adventure across the San Francisco Bay, where each route tells a unique tale. Whether you seek history, tranquility, or breathtaking views, these ferries promise an unforgettable experience.

Discover the beauty of the Bay through the lens of its iconic ferry routes.

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